Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Bayeux Tapestry in full (explained)
A wonderful aesthetic is used in this video, used to give more information about the HBO series Game of Thrones.
I wish more fight scenes in Hollywood were as good as this one...then again, that might detract from how special this one is. Beautifully choreographed and beautifully shot.
Space Invader, Street artist
Death at a Funeral (2007 Frank Oz) is one of my chief sources of inspiration for the short film I'm creating. It has sharp, dry wit and wonderful directorial choices. For your and my pleasure, part 1 of this wonderful film.

The internet is by far the most influential force in the world today. It has the power to educate and unite people, and even to start revolutions. It influences contemporary artists in the way that significant historical events influenced artists in the past. The concept of something going "viral" has changed the dynamic of the art world.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Firefly was a short-lived sci-fi program which I find interesting both aesthetically and conceptually. This was the final episode, focusing on one of the minor characters, River Tam. She has a host of psychological problems brought on by prior trauma.
"It was one of those days where it's a minute away from snowing. And there's this electricity in the air..."
Beautiful song paired with intriguing video- I really wish I knew exactly how they did all this stuff. Thanks to Clara for showing me this
Black Star...bringing a previously unheard-of intelligence and class to hip hop.
Lovely atmosphere, lovely performance, wonderful inspiration

Monday, February 20, 2012

Kanye West and Jay-Z's album "Watch The Throne" includes an homage to Otis Redding, with a video that has wonderful energy to it. They clearly just had fun with the video, and in doing so made a touching tribute to one of music's greats.

Oh hot damn, this is my jam
Stanley Kubrick is one of the most impressive directors of our time, with a fantastic variety of films, ranging from the more abstract Clockwork Orange to the gritty Full Metal Jacket.

Thursday, February 16, 2012


I had always known that Saddam Hussein had sons, named Uday and Qusay, and that they had been killed when the United States invaded Iraq. What I did not know until recently was the depth and breadth of Uday Hussein's evil. I would never say that Uday inspires me, but his example certainly makes me think. How does someone do things as horrible as he did to other people? Do you stop thinking of them as actual people? Do you forget that they live their lives just as much as you live yours? It's been haunting me recently. Uday Hussein's Wikipedia Page

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The film genre of contemporary noir is a relatively small one. However, that means that when the gems do appear, they shine out all the brighter. Such is the case with the contemporary noir masterpiece "Brick", directed by Rian Johnson. The heavy use of slang in the film is a key plot point, and has a unique effect on the viewer, drawing them deeper into the fictional world of high school conspiracy. The film is flawlessly crafted, and is worth watching if you get the chance.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

The show "Les Miserables" has always had a special place in the canon of musical theatre. The song "Black and Red" (Beginnning at 7:05 in the clip) is one of the most inspiring songs I can think of.

more of Andres Serrano's work
I hope one day to have this kind of impact
Tyler the Creator is important in my mind because of the role his music plays. It represents pure anger and frustration, and he strongly believes that profane content goes along with that theme. It cannot be expressed without strong language, and I think it's important for people to remember how it feels to be mad.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The opening scene of Inglorious Basterds is perhaps my favorite scene ever. It displays mastery from the director, cinematographer, and all the actors involved. This little segment may show why. Inglorious Basterds
Films compressed into barcodes takes every frame of famous films and squashes them together into a smaller image. This gives an overall color scheme of the film.
Director Adam Levine recently came out with his movie 50/50, about a young man who is diagnosed with cancer. The story follows him as he deals with the reality of his situation, and his friends help him out. It is shot remarkably well, presenting the audience with a stark, realistic picture that helps them identify with the main character, Adam. The following is one particular scene from the film. 50/50 Scene

Monday, January 23, 2012

Since this blog is about inspiration, I suppose I should include my favorite painting. I've loved this since the moment I saw it. The care devoted to the figure contrasts wonderfully with the unfinished background in a way that really speaks to me. It displays love, the moment when you see someone you care for, and the rest of the world just sort of slips away.
I love sketchbooks- they really represent the creative process through their disorder, the mistakes, the abandoned concepts. They have a beauty all of their own. Here are some wonderful examples;
50 Mindblowing Sketches
The works of Igor Kieryluk are truly admirable for their detail and their level of mysticism. They create a world within a small picture, with attention to detail that suspends disbelief of the viewer. Igor Kieryluk's Gallery

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A source of inspiration- entire film made my collaboration. A group effort by the wonderful people over at
Morgan M. Morgansen's Date with Destiny
This is my blog site
It is called inspiration!
I do like haikus